Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pay-Off in "Poundage!"

11/29/2011; 124p:  Ok it Paid Off!  Sticking to the plan garnered me an 8.2 loss this week alone!  Bringing my total to 21.2 pounds in 21 days!  My weight as of now is 253.8!!!

No Sarcasm here, the folks at Aultman have made me a true believer in the "New Outlook" program.  I feel great!  I'm looking, well, not so bad you take too much notice.  (ok almost no sarcasm) And I'm actually beginning to see the difference! 

I know now that I can stick to the program to the ounce/letter/as written!  This week should be interesting as work is hectic with our biggest event of the year, and long, long hours.  Because of such, I am altering my intake for the week with the permission and plan of my dietitian.  I will be doing 4 shakes and 2 snack bars from today through the end of Saturday.  With long hours and not much time to eat, it is better I have the ability to nourish the body on the run with some pre-ordained measurements to ensure my success through the busy week.  I don't even expect the loss I had this week, but i believe it will be a positive result none-the-less!

This will be the last blog of the week, as time just won't permit it, but stay tuned and Ill keep you apprised of the trials and tribulations of the week by next Monday!

Also, I know I've promised a pic, but trust me you're missing nothing.  When it is available it will be posted.  For reference, it was taken on 11/11/2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

What Doesn't Kill You Only Makes You Stronger!

11/25/2011 4:32pm: So yesterday was Thanksgiving....... And...... IT SUCKED!!!!!!! Not the holiday itself, or the family time. But passing up my favorite holiday and the food I associate so very closely with the over all joviality of the occasion, actually physically hurt at one point.

Before I go further, I should digress momentarily to set up my day. I woke up in a bit of an anxious mood.... at 3a.m. I tried to fall back asleep, but the anxiety of the day was clearly firmly implanted, and sleep was not an option (By The Way- there is nothing but junk on tv between 3:30-6a.m.). The further the night crept on and the morning crept up I became virtually overtaken by what I would later discover was an overwhelming fear. Fear of failing and giving in to temptation, fear of making family and loved ones uncomfortable because they could indulge but felt sympathetic to my cause. I was fearful that passing up my favorite meal would mean missing out on something, nothing specific, just part or all of what I hold so dearly when I think of Thanksgiving. As we got in the car to drive over, I felt nervous, grumpy, out of sorts in general. Obviously this would be my biggest test to date, and I wasn't sure if I would pass it.

It got worse as we pulled into my grandparents' house, walked in and smelled the wonderful aroma of sweet potatoes candy coated with marshmallows and brown sugar.

I tried to mask the stress by grabbing my first shake and exchanging hugs with my grandparents and mom. I became very quiet (if you have ever met me, you realize how so very rare it is that I am quiet for any reason), almost withdrawn to come to grips with my anxiety. I felt tired, and even wished I could turn the car around and pass the day in solitude just to get through.

We left for my Aunt Sandy's house and I was undeniably edgy!!! She is an amazing cook, and while she has been following the blog, and had even made dishes I could eat on the diet, I was craving the ones I had become so fond of, traditional Thanksgiving trimmings full of starch, calories, TASTE!!!!!!!!

My greatest fears were realized when we walked in, the wonderful smells that fill a loving environment with all that is familiar to any of us who have been lucky enough to grow up in families that celebrate the holiday in that manner. I walked into the kitchen to wish my aunt and her mother a Happy Thanksgiving, and there it was, in all it's splendor - two types of stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, freshly baked rolls, traditional cranberry sauce, pies, cookies, oh yeah, I think she had turkey too.

The only cogent response I could muster to the sensory overload my mind, senses, and heart were experiencing was to rush to the man cave, drink my 3rd (I'm only required 2) bottle of water, and watch the football game. Forty minutes later my wife descended the stairs, and offered me a plate full of my favorite, fresh, cut, raw veggies. My initial response was "no thanks, I'm fine". Fine?!?! I was anything but fine; hungry, cranky, and not thrilled at the thought of either having to pass up my favorites, or worse not passing them up and having to blog that my previous post was all bull s#%+ and I folded like a cheap card table. I wanted to say " screw the veggies, I'd love a cookie damn it!". But obviously she was being supportive, and I recognized this and gathered the veggies in front of me. As we bowed our heads for the blessing, I had relegated myself to the fact that either way, this day would more than likely, would not end well.

As I made my way around the buffet I put a combination of baked and smoked white meat turkey on my plate with the approximate of the allowable 6.5 oz of allowed protein for the day. I rounded the plate off with the green beans and tomatoes, and sautéed onions my aunt had specially prepared for me. As pulled away from the table I reached for a small piece of turkey skin, and inexplicably walked away to my seat at the table. Jenna joined me with a plate modestly covered with a little of everything. At this point I realized my crankiness was causing those I love the most the same anxiety that had overwhelmed me every second up to at one.

Immediately, I changed my approach for everyone's sake, if not my own originally. Then the most amazing thing happened. As I took my first bite of baked turkey, the most complete sense of relief and calm filled me from head to toe! Thanksgiving was here, real, and I had a taste of everything that I held so dear. The taste of the turkey helped me realize while all those smells are so inviting, it was the taste of that turkey that I had obviously attached so closely with the holiday! I finished my plate, felt so good, satisfying, and I had the very same Thanksgiving everyone else had, minus the starches! Wow! I FREAKIN' DID IT!!!!! I made it through and did NOT cheat! All of the sudden a peculiar sense of pride flooded me. And I started to see my family that I hold so dear, sitting around the room, with me, and I was so glad I finally decided to join the party!

The rest of evening we all talked, laughed, reminisced (3 weddings on that side of the family including ours since last Thanksgiving), and I was asked about this program from Aultman that I was on by my aunt and extended family. As I explained the particulars already mentioned in previous posts, it dawned on me. There is a reason I didn't cheat the program, beyond the financial and emotional commitments already made. I didn't cheat because I have such a loving and supportive family, that went so far as to alter the food preparation to be supportive of my efforts to become fully healthy and reach my goals.

This obnoxiously long blog wasn't to gloat over what really was a major triumph for me, but to point out this "not such a revelation" moment. No one can do anything worth while without help and support. Yes support from the dietitians and physicians at Aultman are hugely important to keep me on task and healthy to reach my goals through out this process, but the love of a wife willing to give her ideal Thanksgiving indulgence, love of an aunt, mother, and family that went out of their way during such hectic and intense meal preparation to make my journey easier is what got me through the day. Yes it was tough. Yes I made it tougher on myself and family than it ever had to be. But I'm most thankful on this particular Thanksgiving holiday for the people who love and support me unconditionally as I work my way to the biggest of goals, complete health and happiness! Thanks to all of my family! I love and appreciate you more than words can say, and more than I have said, unfortunately. I love you all so very much!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Flipped the 8.4, But Still a Good Score

Monday November 21, 2011; 7:22pm: Ok, no joking around for just a moment, I lost another 4.8 pounds this week!! For a program where one is supposed to average between 2-3 pounds per week, I am doubling those numbers with ease, AND because I am religious with my measurements and 100% committed to the program!

My total weight loss for the 14 days I have been on the "New Outlook" program from the folks at the Aultman Health Foundation is 13.2 pounds. While I have yet to feel the difference in the way my clothes fit I have to admit that I am more motivated than ever to stay very strict with the plan even during my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. Here's how I see it:

1. It's one day! I have a lifetime to taste all the things I love about that day, but I do not want to interfere with the positive changes my body and mind are undergoing.

2. If I can pass up pizza in week one and chocolates in week two, I can certainly stick to a couple of shakes, low cal yogurt pack, a piece of fruit, and 6.5oz of lean white turkey meat and steamed and raw vegetables.

3. Yes there is still a constant muscle ache when I work out, but it'll ache much less with less weight on the body and I'm half way through the sore phase in that process!

4. No I'm not this positive all the time but it's hard not to be when I'm this much "less fat" already! I am noticing more energy and stress being handled in a much more productive way, that's something right?

5. For the final not such a revelation moment of the evening, for the first time I am realizing how little I really need all the things I used to and still in many ways do crave. I went to lunch the other day with my wife and I ordered with my grilled chicken salad water with lemon and a diet coke. Craziest thing ever: the diet coke tasted overly sweet, too sweet actually. So I set it aside. Dropping 13.2 pounds in only two weeks: now THAT IS sweet!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

5a.m. Comes Way Too Early

11/17/2011, 5:16p: Ok so as previously mentioned as part of my program at Aultman Weight Loss Center, they ask that I work out that least 4 times a week building up to 60 minutes per session. Before I go any further let me preface the next "not such a revelation" on this: for the vast majority of my life I was either a swimmer or swim coach, so getting out of bed before 5a was standard practice. Even after I moved on to the CVB I was still swimming regularly 3-5 times a week at 5:30a. So my thought was to jump right back into the routine and get workouts in early because I never know how the day is going to go and to bank on evening workouts after a full day of work is fairly unrealistic for me. So I set my alarm for 4:55a to get to the pool and in the water by 5:30a.

BEEP! BEEP! The alarm goes off and as I lunge to shut it off before my wife wakes, I'm pretty sure the scare sends me into a mild heart attack! None the less I roll out of bed and head to the pool. (Stick with what you know right?). As I hit the water the first 200 yards feels fine, and then it hits, lactic acid build up would be an understatement here. It felt more like lactic acid seizure!!! For the next 1800 yards I'm alternating thoughts of writing my last blog and signing off of this plan and realizing today will hurt worse than the rest to follow, or at least so I thought. As I woke up yesterday morning I am more sore than I was the day before, as that darn alarm kick started my heart one more time this morning I realized it was even worse.

As an experienced athlete and a coach I realize that to get past this I have to continue to force myself into the routine of working back to fit to burn the fat! No I am NOT enjoying the early mornings that I as once so accustomed to. And NO that won't change for a couple of weeks. But I AM committed and the folks at Aultman empower me to continue to walk away from the foods that have forever been my cryptonite.

Believe it or not at day 10 I am actually struggling more with getting back into the early morning routine than saying "no thanks" to the triple whammy of beer, burgers and pizza. So that has to be a good sign right?....... Don't all jump at once to agree.

In all seriousness, regardless of the muscle ache (under the layers of insulation I have so generously provided for myself), I am feeling emotionally much better and morning 3 workout is coming tomorrow. Wish me luck, I think I'm really gonna need it at5:30a when I hop on a treadmill.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fat Camp Rocks

11/14/2011 7:30p: As I said, sarcastic and witty is part of who I am. Ok as I mentioned I was headed to my weekly class, weigh in, dietician consultation, and seminar. I admit to being relatively nervous about getting the results last week's restraint with pizza and burgers. And The Results Are In.. (drum roll plays out in my head here)....

My original weight: 275.0 Lbs. One week later: 266.6Lbs!! Total Loss = 8.4Lbs!!!

So lesson of the week for me.... Letting pizza go, made me les full of dough! (That line is for you Derek)!!!

I promise I'll post the before pics before the end of the week! This way you have the unfortunate visual evidence of my existence, weight loss aside. ;-)

Start of The Rest of My Life

11/14/2011: Ok so I have to preface anything written from now forward with a few fair warnings t any potential reader. One: I am a fun loving personality with a pension for self effacing humor. Please understand the context with which you read. I truly believe that you have to be able to laugh at yourself and take the Van Wilder inspired "Don't take life too seriously, because you'll never make it out alive" to heart. Because I feel that I learn so much every day from someone, something, event or experience, I find the not so earth shattering revelations I encounter to be humorous once I come to grips with them. Because of that the sarcasm is purely light hearted and fun spirited directed at me, because that is who I am.

And so we begin... This is 7 days into my program and I have already encountered and cleared personal hurdles that make this journey one I want to remember. I began my journey with an off handed conversation that took place between a good friend of mine and I about my struggles with food, weight loss etc. He mentioned a program entitled " New Outlook" operated by the Aultman Health Foundation, medically monitored, reasonably priced for the resources afforded one in the program and supported not only during the wight loss, but well after to teach you how to maintain your goal weight long after you reach your goal. After hearing about its premises I decided to give it a shot.

I went in one week ago and had blood work, EKG, urinalysis, measurements, and weight recorded and had my nutritional plan mapped out with a dietician that listened to my weaknesses with food, and applied a program that I could follow with minimal disruption and allow for tastes of most of what I like. The program allows me two 9oz beverage meal replacement shakes, 8oz if fruit (usually a banana),one 8oz cup of Danon Lite n Lively brand yogurt (100 calories or less), 6.5oz of lean meat a day, 4 tsp of peanut butter on one piece of whole grain wheat bread for my starch and fat intake, and anything up to and beyond 3 cups of vegetables a day. Along with the nutritional plan I am to work out 4-6 times a week for an hour of cardio, mixing up the exercises for maximum benefit. Once a week I have to report for weight and measurements to be taken and to meet with the dietician to ensure the program is working at its maximum potential for me and I with it. After it there is a 30 minute seminar on different aspects of achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

I'll admit a significant amount of anxiety walking though the door last week having to look myself in the mirror and admitting a change was needed. You have to be realistic enough to realize that change is necessary. And being recently married and considering having children means I have to be healthy enough to help conception happen as both my wife and I are over the age of 30, I'm 34. Also I am embarking on a new career in a health conscious industry, and really feel experience in athletics as part of my past needs to be represented by healthy mind in body in the present to represent myself, our brand - The Canton Marathon. As I left with my plan I felt empowered and supported and home and in he field and started the next day.

As I head in to be weighed for the first time I must admit I'm excited as I have passed up directly two of by biggest weaknesses burgers and pizzas directly in the first week and laid the foundation for what will be a tough but gratifying road to be traveled. I'll post my progress by tomorrow And pics of me at the beginning of this journey so all can put face with name and printed blog posts so everyone can see I do exist, and really do have a significant amount of weight to lose and habits to change. Feel free to comment on the posts and offer your own insight if you've traveled similar roads in your life. But most of all enjoy "Fat2Fit" for what I hope will be entertaining, sometimes funny, sometimes honestly stressful but on whole a trip that describes someone taking control of all of his life and doing it for not only a job but hopefully for his family too!