Tuesday, January 24, 2012

No Pain, No Gain

Tuesday January 24, 2012; 12:10p.m.; Day 78:  I went to fat camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) last night.  I'm thrilled with the results; loos of 2.0 pounds, hitting the 40 pound bench mark, and I sit currently at 235.0 pounds.  In 78 days I have completely changed my physical, emotional,mental outlook and over all health!

I'm over joyed with the result because early last week I "over-did" (that's for you Stroia) the work out and spent the majority of the week with ice and Advil recover from an injury.  But by Saturday morning, cabin fever forced me back into the weight room and I was back at it.  I experienced personal bests in time and level on the treadmill, took Sunday to shovel snow, and recovered Monday to be safe and was back into a full workout in the pool this morning.  I really feel I have a couple of big numbers still ahead of me and feel great. 

I have to admit however, that I continue to be blown away by the support I'm given from bear and far from friends and family who continue to go out of their way to vocalize and/or print their support as a positive reinforcement to the effort.  Which brings me to this "Not Such a Revelation" moment.  Allow me to explain.

I have to admit in recent weeks due to my public approach to this journey, and accolades showered upon me, I have begun to feel the pressure just a little, not so much because I feel I need to lose big every week, but more so as to not fail and let so many of those down that have vocalized said support in one form or another.

With this squarely in mind and on conscience I stepped into fat camp last night with a touch of trepidation.  As I was waiting for weigh in, i pecked out a status update on Facebook from my phone saying essentially "nervous about weigh in since I haven't been able to work out.  My wall exploded with positive comments from friends and family form all over the globe, reminding me that the journey has been a total success and one weekly result does not change the path I'm on.  I was particularly touched by a post of one of my former athletes reminding me that "Positive Thoughts Equal Positive Results."  Hmm, I was hit squarely in the mug (if you carried this face around - you'd have a sense of humor about it too) with the realization that I have just been made a victim of one of my own "pep talks."  Wow, A.) this particular person DID listen when I gave such speeches, and B.) much like this entire process - I am forced to take my own advice.  I immediately mellowed out as I had to chuckle at the irony of the situation.  Just then I was called back by the dietitian to weigh in.  With the results being noted above I immediately updated the status to take my medicine for worrying too much for no rational reason.

With that post, my wall again "blew up" with positive reinforcement from all realms.  Thus reinforcing an ever growing, over-arching - "Not Such A Revelation": I REALLY DON'T know a lot about, ....much at all!  I continually write and fervently believe in staying the course.  I have absolutely stuck to the practice being instructed by my friends at fat camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center).  And I DO have a basic knowledge of the premises presented and reinforced through this program.  But with very success, with every step taken, I'm realizing how much I continue to learn, and moreover from where I continue to learn it from.  I expect it from the experts and very qualified professionals at Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center), but from someone I used to teach, and friends and family that have always been there?  Wow, could I really be thick headed enough to have tuned out so many valuable lessons and profound ideas from those who have always been there? NAHHHH, I'm much too intelligent, open minded, and observant to have that happen.   ;-)  Yeah right. 

I guess the pride might have taken a much needed bruising this week along with my abdominal region.  What the heck, if I had a firm grasp on all of these things ahead of time, I wouldn't need the lessons I'm currently soaking in, and posts like this wouldn't be nearly as entertaining.  LOL  Stay Tuned, who knows where this journey will take me next.  One thing is for sure, I'm sure I'll continue to "expand" my knowledge base along the way.  Thanks to all for allowing to learn this one on my own while being genuinely supportive, I needed that.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Drop(pin') It Like it's Hot!"

Day 71: Tuesday January 17, 2012; 3:03pm:  Well let's get through the particulars first.  I weighed in at Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) last night (Day 70).  I lost 4.2 pounds bringing my total loss to 38.0 pounds and I sit currently at 237.0 pounds!

This was a big week, and to reference this post's title, I truly am "Drop(pin") It Like It's Hot" - Snoop Dogg.  From dropping the lb's to literally having a pair of pants fit so loose it would be obscene not to wear a belt - I am beginning to see a true physical transformation.  The loose skin I referenced in a previous post is starting to tighten up thanks to workouts, the pants are quickly becoming too big and I am rapidly becoming more realistically healthy shown in updated blood work results, physical appearance, and emotionally as well!  I truly am excited about the new look and am so motivated to stay focused in eating and in my workouts to see how I look at the proverbial finish line,... no pun intended.

Before I go into a truly wonderful experience I had at our work event over the weekend, allow me to point out that the finish line for my weight loss is only the very beginning of the lifestyle change to maintain the weight, and healthy outlook.  Work outs and watching what and how I eat is going to have to be a permanent habit and a constant work in progress as I am quickly coming to realize.  It has to be habit if it is going to be sustainable.  I can indulge occasionally in my favorite foods (beer and pizza), but I can't make it habit to fall back on those out of laziness and apathy.  But at 34.5 years of age - I think it is necessary to see that I reach age 70 in a proper form of health so as to not be hooked up to machines in a hospital for abusing my body.  I am ready for this, and I am "running" toward my future without looking back and without hesitation.

Now allow me to divulge an experience both my wife and I had this past weekend, in different places.  We held a health and fitness expo this past weekend to promote our brand, races, and health and wellness as part of the New Years' Resolutions we are all so apt to make after the holidays get the better of us.

At this expo, due to some publicity for both the marathon and my weight loss journey has created through this blog and other outlets, I spent a significant amount of time being recognized and even posed for a picture or two.  It was great to see people take an active interest in the Canton Marathon, my progress, and even the Aultman Weight Loss Program, as they and my little blond dietitian friend were present at the expo.  Three things took me back that I have to share.

One: People I have known for most of my adult life walked past me and did not recognize me due to the dramatic physical change in my appearance (no I have not gotten any better looking, but my body as mentioned above has truly changed and tightened up to a degree).

The second came from a couple of people that stopped by our booth and either deduced from the publicity who I was, or saw my before pic at the Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) booth and did a double take. Once they realized it was the same person, they literally came back to the other end of the expo to A.) Congratulate me, and B.) remark as to the significance of the change.  WOW!!  People are actually taking time to recognize and congratulate me on doing what I am supposed to, take care of my self.  It is so inspiring, and humbling to have random strangers do such things.

The third actually made me (the most sarcastic person I know) blush, and happened to my wife as well. I was at our booth during the expo, my wife was in Cleveland with her sorority sisters for a reunion.  A lady recognized me and congratulated me.  I thanked her and did my best to answer questions about my journey and greet others coming to the booth.  I got distracted with some greetings of old friends and spoke to them.  The lady who had originally walked up waited until I finished the impromptu reunion, then re-approached.  She stopped just momentarily and said "You look EVEN better in person than you did in your pics. I just felt you should hear that." With that she walked away to a formally stunned, humbled, and gratified "thanks SO MUCH!" from me.  In the mean time, in Cleveland, my wife walked through the door of the house and was greeted by 7 of her sorority sisters to "Wow!  Jenna, you LOOK GREAT! Are you n Rob's diet?"  As she has continued her journey for the wedding and is at the lightest of her adult life, and healthiest according to her physician during a yearly physical.

Neither of us notice our own progress, but have taken keen notice of each others'.  We each constantly compliment the other on the progress, but I think we have each, to a minor degree, not fully accepted it as gospel because we love each other so much, I truly believe the other would say it regardless.  And while that may be true, I can honestly say that it truly amazes and humbles us when others take time to notice and compliment us.

I am doing this for me, yes, but for her mostly for reasons mentioned frequently here.  But to have others show such kindness and shower me with such praise is awe-striking.  It motivates me through positive reinforcement and fear of failure.  But to have a couple of people thank me for "putting myself out there and walking through and verbalizing thoughts others have, but don't feel comfortable putting in digital print" is something I hoped for, but never expected.

Yes I am thrilled I can entertain folks because I have always been a little ornery.  And I am thrilled that so many have taken an interest because the folks at fat camp and at Canton Marathon deserve so very much credit for my results and providing healthy options for people.  But to motivate, even in a rare case inspire someone to consider or make positive changes by showing things like this while scary to approach and admit that we have flaws we are not proud of, is so very much worth the journey, trials and tribulations that come with it, and of course the rewards you have the opportunity to reap along the way:  Well, for once I am at a loss for words.   I have truly gotten and continue to have the opportunity to experience the very best in people.
Yep, I think I'll leave it at that.  Thanks all, truly , for such amazing encouragement, support, and praise.  I'll do my best to not anyone down!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It Hurts To Do The Right Thing

01/12/2012: Day 66: 1:35p:  So the week has gone well and I'm starting for the first time in a little while to notice clothes fitting differently.  Also I have been able to increase the duration and intensity of my work outs, which consequently brings me to this "not such a revelation" moment:  "Holy Crap This HURTS!!!!"

Not at all a stranger to the process of becoming fit, but certainly the brain has shut off the link to the memories of what my (as previously mentioned) not exactly age 21 body feels like at this stage of the process.  Usually I am one who beats my alarm by three minutes.  HOWEVER, toward the end of a long week in which I have consistently increased my workouts in all facets, I am noticing that I am constantly fighting myself to not hit snooze, or more realistically - OFF!  Man, I seem to remember being able to pop right out of bed, sore or not and hit the day running.  Now, on top of groaning and general irritation the alarm sound seems to elicit, it generally is a physical struggle to pull my not-so-fat a$$ out of bed and drag it to the gym or pool.  But I trudge on knowing I am exactly 70 days from leaving for my honeymoon and am determined not to look like some of the more recognizable aquatic life found in amusement parks, or the beach in that part of the world.

One other observation of the same ilk regarding transition and appearance; Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) and my little blond dietitian friend, forgot to mention the body's ability to leave "loose skin" as a bi-product of weight loss.  So, being an incredibly vain and self aware person - I have continued to push the workouts in an attempt not to be fit and healthy (exclusively), but rather to ensure my "beach body" (picture that and try to sleep at night) is as in form as possible in the next 70 days.

Oh yeah, I also am hoping to be as close to my goal weight as possible by then.  What can I say?  I always work best under pressure!

Big shout out to Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) for being so instrumental in my physical and emotional makeup, but my body's current physical status would like to extend another gesture for its state of being.  LOL   Kidding, although I shouldn't, as it currently hurts to laugh!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Regaining some Mo'!

01/10/2012:  day 64: 8:11a.m.:  So as I walked into fat camp last night for my weigh in, my dietitian was standing at the counter and greeted me with " Heeeeeeeyyyyy Ssssuuper Star," alluding to the aforementioned (in previous post) local news paper article that had my previous and current likeness displayed for all to see highlighting an article that discussed this blog referring to my journey and participation in Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center).  She obviously jovially mentioned it as the program was featured and my progress due to said program's guidelines.

Speaking of progress, in just under 5 days since my last official weigh in I lost another 1.6 pounds!  Im thrilled as I truly feel my body reactivating to the routine of working out and living the healthy life style.  I am down a total of 33.8 pounds in 63 days and currently "sit" at 241.2 pounds.  Admittedly I'm very excited for a great week of work outs coinciding with the strictest of cooperation concerning my nutrition and really feel the next couple of weeks will produce big numbers!

But to digress momentarily back to my dietitian, I feel the need to playfully jab at my "coach" in this process for a moment.  Angie has been a true help to me in way of support and guidance throughout this process, but I would be remiss not to mention her one "omission" in her comment I alluded to above.  As she was calling me a "super star", which in my mind is a bit of a dubious honor to be celebrated for having to admit the wrong I was doing myself and my body, she seems to have forgotten she was mentioned by name and quoted directly in the same article.  For that I'd like to give my own Molly Shannon "Super Star" shout out to my short little blond dietitian friend that gives great advice and support but clearly is prone to the occasional moment stereotyped by her hair color!  So - Gotcha Ang!  dietitian -1, Rob -1!  and I give myself a bonus point for having this blog to be able to point out this humorous discrepency, Angie-1, Rob-2!

As I regain the "Mo'" and am feeling better than I have physically in some time, I give all of the credit to my bosses for inspiring me to start this journey and the platform to be able to express myself throughout, my wife and amazing family for their unconditional love and support, and to my fat camp family (Aultman Weight Loss Staff and fellow clients) for providing a safe haven and ultimately pain free environment to step through the journey with!

Dubious or otherwise, I truly hope my experience will give others the strength in some small way to begin their own journey.  My college coach Mike Davidson used to constantly remind me "nothing worth doing is ever easy, nor should it be.  Because if it was, it wouldn't be worth the effort or the reward at the end."

Monday, January 9, 2012

Short Week, but hopefully Good Result!

01/09/2011: Day 63:  4:07p:  Well I am at the 9 week point of the program.  I have a Dr. consultation for results of the latest blood work and hopefully the cholesterol will be down!  I am hoping for a pound or so in the 5 day period since I last weighed in.  Ill post after fat camp.

I mean, vegetables can't put on weight can they?  ;) 

Ps- For anyone who happened to stumble across the local paper on Friday and saw my ygly mug,...SORRY!  I have a face made for radio!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It Must Be My Time!

01/04/2012: Day 58: 7:15pm:  Well I must have been doing enough to overcome myself.  I lost 2.8 pounds for a total loss of 32.2, and am sitting at 242.8 pounds.  As I mentioned previously I made mistakes in the last 16 days, particularly on Christmas Night.  But my workouts have picked up and I have for the most part even with the indiscretions followed the program!  But tonight at fat camp(Aultman Weight Loss Center) while waiting to be weighed in, and then afterwards through texts I found some incredible motivation through stories shared that are worth more to me than any fee, prize, and number I could've gained or paid on my own.  Allow me to share 5 brief examples about how life changing this can be.

1.  A lady sat to my left and was anticipating (much like I was) a slight change in the progress because of holiday indulgence.  I sat and listened as she talked across the room with a gentlemen she had joined the program at the Aultman Weight Management Program with.  To date this lady that I estimate in her mid to late fifties has lost 67 pounds since August 1, 2011!  She knew and planned for the indulgence over the holidays, smiled and approached the impending weigh in with the real positivity of someone who believed in their own ability to lose in a real way!  Wow!  my recent blogging (whining)  seems trivial now when I listen to her speak with such a zest for life.

2.  The gentleman she was speaking with had joined the program with her on August 1, 2011.  He mentioned he was down 110 since August 1!!!!!!!!  He kept his belt that he wore since day 1 and has drilled 8 more holes in the belt and it wraps almost completely around him twice!  I over heard him say he has about 40 more to lose and then he will be maintaining from there.  Incredible, this man has become one of my heroes!  I didn't even get his or the lady in example 1's name!  Thank you both for giving me true confidence in my own abilities through your accomplishments!

3. My bosses!  Steve has lost 25 pounds and competed in his first half marathon in Columbus last October!  He continues to run, keep it off and stay motivated!  Julia is in the "New Directions" hard core all shake program at Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) and has lost a total of 38-39 pounds in just under two months!  I joked with her on a text earlier that she reminds me of a book series my wife owns entitled "Skinny B!%#."  She got me involved with this and continues to push me to new successes!  Thanks guys for the opportunity and the examples you set every day!

4.A child hood friend of mine that told me tonight via wall post that he is joining the program and beginning his journey!  So very proud of his courage and willingness to take such a difficult step to a better life and healthier existence!  He inspires me to push on and see how successful I can be!

5.  My Family!  my mom had gone through a weight loss program and reached her goal weight for my wedding!  She still looks amazing and showed me an example of the behavior I should've been exhibiting for the reasons she chose to take the journey.  Finally my beautiful wife who underwent a journey of her own for the wedding, continued it and has continued to lose since, and eats the types of foods I'm allowed to support me.  As I mentioned that while we have not decided either way to have children, our physicians have told us that beyond the age of thirty it is best if both mates are healthy and fit.  Obviously she's done her part and I owe her the same effort and support!  Thanks babe for being my inspiration and support every step of the way!  Thanks mom for continuing to be such an amazing example!

While I enjoy the humorous posts, experiences and examples such as these deserve my utmost in sincerity and appropriate tone when recounting their heroics!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I didn't get that memo!

01/01/2012; Day 55; 10:55a.m.:  first and foremost - Happy New Year to one and all!  Well as I mentioned in my last post I unfortunately slipped off of the wagon on Christmas Night and due to the travel schedule I have not been able to weigh in to assess the damage at Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center).  My next weigh in is in three days on Day 58 and needless to say I'm apprehensive as to what the results would be.

In the mean time however progress has been made in the third front of the three prong attack to health and wellness which is fitness.  In week three of consistent workouts I have made major progress and while still sore, I am feeling the body beginning to make both adjustments to the toll, progress in strength and cardio fitness, and I'm settling into a nice routine and starting to enjoy it again.

HOWEVER - I never received the memo my body sent saying I was NOT young anymore!  And that to all my friends in cyberspace is BULL$#!+!  Allow me a back story for purposes of explanation: Almost a year ago exactly, I had surgery to repair a hernia.  My surgeon did mention that over exertion and stress from pushing the body could cause a tweak in the area of the surgery and to be mindful of it and take time to rest and heal if that occurs to prevent a subsequent recurrence of the injury.  Now Dr Stephen Kelley of Aultman did a brilliant job and up to this point I have had no recurrence or regression.  BUT - I also have not been consistent in my efforts with working out until the last three weeks.  And while Dr Kelley did mention as the body ages it takes longer to heal and adjust to training, so I should be mindful and pace myself accordingly.  Before I continue, I didn't really believe he meant I was getting older!  Right?!?!  I mean I'm a STILL relatively young man at 34, and why should I worry about such trivial things as aging, pacing, being mindful?  What the ...?!?!

Well toward the end of a great 2 hour workout with cardio, weights and abs, I felt the left groin tighten in an instant, immediately ceased the workout, cooled down with a slow walk for 5 minutes, threw on my hoody, and headed home to begin my day around 7:45a.m.  As I got showered and began to put on a pair of jeans I felt the soreness again!  Ummm, Hello!  I'm young and the surgery was almost a year ago! A young, healthy man such as myself surely couldn't still have any effects lingering from a procedure done so long ago?  Wow!  This "maturing" gig COMPLETELY SUCKS!!!!! 

Apparently Dr Kelley WAS referring to me!  So I find myself icing and utilizing IB Profen as needed and being put on the shelf on a day to day basis until I no longer feel the pain.  While I realize that we can't stop time and the processes that come with it, I certainly would've appreciated a little more advance notice that my body is not quite as resilient as it once was!  When did the "College Years" go by the way side?  I distinctly remember going to Saturday workout from 8a-12p on campus in the fall, grabbing three heaping plates full of food at lunch in the dorm, cracking a beer and drinking it while showering, then meeting my teammates at an apartment or house on the near west side (Lakewood, OH), pre-gaming all day while watching college football, and partying the night away in the bars and clubs of downtown Cleveland, waking up the next day with no ill effects from the evening other than hunger pangs to be cured in the dorm cafeteria!  Ahhhhhh, youth clearly wasted on the young!  ;-)

Oh well, I guess I have to accept my "maturation" and heed the advice of the many qualified professionals, as well as my own body, regardless of the fact the latter of those aforementioned parties failed to notify me of any major changes in a "timely" fashion!  Stay Tuned.  As always, these "not such a revelation" moments are sure to continue!