Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"New Outlook" For Me Provides New Approach To My Journey

Tuesday February 21, 2012; Day 106; 8:11AM:  SO I went to fat camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) last night feeling really positive about the week I had and was looking for a possible big number drop on the scale.  Well to prove just how unpredictable the weight loss process is, after a week of high stress and losing 1.6 pounds, this week of relatively low stress, great workouts and normal eating and water consumption brought a loss of 1.0 pounds.  I sit at a total loss of 47.6 pounds and am currently weighing in at 227.4 pounds.

Normally I would have been incredibly frustrated by the numbers, but some real change in me lead to some "real" revelations for the first time in this process.  Yes I would have loved to have lost more, but to be quite frank, I have been less and less concerned with the numbers on the scale as of late.  I am noticing a distinct switch in focus on this journey that has allowed me to see a larger picture in front of me than the simple "peep hole" viewpoint that the numbers on a scale have provided me.  Here's what I mean by this. Last night at Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) I walked in with supreme confidence that I had lost, and lost big.  Was I humbled just a tad, sure.  But more than that I was amazed that I was not more aggravated.  As a matter of fact I was quite content with the tally.  I truly believe three factors played so heavily into the reaction.

The first factor is a simple one that I have been at the realization of for some time now.  As I am losing weight, people I have not seen in a significant period of time since being on the "New Outlook" program with Aultman's Weight Loss Center have taken notice of my physical change and have been more than willing to compliment me on the progress.  I have always and continue to maintain that I am doing this to improve my total health, not just my weight and to give my wife and I the opportunity to conceive if we choose to attempt to do so.  But I have to admit to a certain amount of satisfaction and contentment when people do recognize the change that has been a total change in action, approach, and assessment of myself internally.  It fuels me to continue and validates progress that is tougher for me to see on a daily basis since I have the misfortune of having to look at myself in the mirror every day.

Second to the objective party's compliment and visual recognition of the process is the fact that I have not been so strict with measuring every morsel of every nutrient I put into my body.  YES, I have stuck to the program, but not always to the strictest letter of the game plan.  I sometimes do allow myself an extra couple of ounces of protein if my body tells me it needs it due to the increased workouts.  I also have not been as diligent in measuring my fat intake.  In other words I still scoop the allotted amount of peanut butter onto my measuring spoon.  But before I would have scraped the excess back into the jar, now if I choose not to be as careful, I am not as paranoid about doing so.  This IS NOT recommended by my friends at Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center), but it is in reality the practice I have adopted from time to time, so if the numbers are not as large as they once were, I have to hold myself responsible, and I am comfortable in doing so.  No journey worth taking comes without bumps in the road.  And while I am the one who has upon occasion created them, I also understand that this process will be one that lasts me for the rest of my life, so I am truly understanding in a more complete fashion what it is going to take for me to maintain all of the progress being made once I hit my ultimate goal weight.

The third factor is the most profound, and the most revealing about this total process of weight loss and improvement of my overall health.  I find myself being happier with the way I look, the way I feel, and the way I approach every single aspect of my life.  The folks and friends that run Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) have given me real tools and cues to utilize not only through out this process, but to manage my life long after the weight loss part of this journey is over.  When I weighed in last night, I had a complete sense of calm when I saw the number because I realize at some point I am not going to have the scale to be my primary motivator.  In other words, I am going to need to be every bit as diligent if not more with food selection, exercise, and my approach to my health after the goal weight is met.  Yes the scale provides the positive feedback I need at the moment, and I HAVE continued to lose every single week of the thirteen I have been on this journey, which is wonderful in itself.  But I am ready to focus on this life change as a whole, not just the process.  I am noticing in the last couple of weeks clothes are changing dramatically in the way I am fitting into them.  My muscle tone has increased to a noticeable level of improvement, and my endurance in a work out has noticed dramatic improvement.  In any case, while I realize I can do things better, I am realizing how rewarding improved health and a "New Outlook" can really be to every part of my life.

Ironically last night in the class portion of the evening, Dr. Margaret DeLillo-Storey, the psychologist came in for her monthly class discussion and focused on the topic of stress management.  She related the cues she spoke about to how overall life management is so very important to the process.  A week removed from one of the more stressful events of my life, and into the home stretch of the weight loss portion of this journey, I have a far better understanding of the overarching goals of this program.  I know the more you lose, the more difficult it is to lose big.  I know to continue consistently I need to get back to measuring, and take the extra time to prepare the food I take in so those measurements are as accurate as possible.  I know working out is great not only for weight loss, but for increased energy, and improved overall health.  But most importantly, for the first time in a long time I am becoming more comfortable in my own skin, more confident in my ability to maintain this process, and happier overall as a result.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Valentine Made the Scale Fall For ME!

Tuesday February 14, 2012; DAY 99; 8:41AM:  Well to follow up with my last post; in spite of me basically putting my body into starvation mode due to our family emergency; I still managed a loss of 1.6 pounds.  I have lost a total of 46.6 pounds in 98 days and currently sit at 228.4 pounds.  I AM ECSTATIC!!! 

Obviously Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) has taught me a ton (no pun intended here), but it amazes me how much I continue to learn from this incredible experience.  I think the lesson I take away from last week is two-fold. 

One, and most important, is that numbers only really are a PART of the experience.  After all, I started the journey to live up to what my wife had done so well on her own, and that I didn't have the will power to do without the accountability that the program and this blog provide me.  When the trip to the hospital happened, it brought things back into perspective for me.  As I began to lose, I became obsessed with numbers and not so much the learning process that is attributed to the long term sustainability of the program. Heading to weigh in yesterday afternoon, I have never been so unconcerned with the scale would say because I was simply happy that my wife was home, healthy, and unscathed from the experience (so I don't scare anyone, she was eventually diagnosed with TIA, or transient stroke, no trace evidence left in any of the tests, full recovery on site, and prognosis for long term is incredibly positive and easily managed).  So quick shout out to Aultman hospital EMTs, nurses, ER Doctors, and Neurologists for being so very good at what they do, so patient and willing to address any and all of our concerns, and so very thorough when taking measures to address both symptoms, and long term health.  But to get back on track with my original train of thought, the digression is meant to illustrate how much more I realize that overall health and wellness is far more important than any number on a scale I read every Monday when I weigh in with dietitians and techs at what has become such an enjoyable experience for me personally to be able to share with like minded people going through the exact same progress driven successes and plateaus that I am, and continue to inspire me to march forward.

The second, and your "not such a revelation" moment for this week is more simple than most, which would explain why the seven layers of concrete located north of my neck has had such difficulty in grasping the concept.  It is this:  THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTION FOR STICKING TO THE PROGRAM!!!  I mean it sounds simple enough but the reason I am able to lose even a modest amount like I did this week (albeit in a high stress environment) is because I didn't cut corners with adherence to the types of foods I am allotted on the program.  Not being able to work out and not getting enough calories or water into my system halted to some extent the loss, but I did not allow for a gain because as a stress eater, I typically would have grabbed for any and all comfort foods with a dismissive attitude.  Once again my progress, while to some extent circumstances were out of my hands, was dictated by my willingness to control what I could and stay dedicated to the goals at hand.

I think at the end of the day, baptism by fire through the holidays, tough environments like the scenarios in Virginia, and even family emergencies such as last weekend, I've learned the greatest two lessons of all.  One, there is no legitimate excuse to allow myself the opportunity to fall back into bad habits that landed me in fat camp (Aultman Weight Loss Program) to begin with.  AND, finally, be thankful for the progress in knowledge, health and wellness, numbers, and the realization of what is truly important in life; your family and loved ones unconditonal love and support.

Cheesy way to end I know, but hey it is Valentine's Day.  Happy Valentine's Day to all, and to all a healthy bite,...yeah okay, that was too much.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Whatever Happens, Happens

Monday February 13, 2012; Day 98; 3:07PM:  As I am about an hour or so from weighing in at Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) I am completely at peace with whatever the scale says.  Allow me to explain.

I typically get all worked up about the specifics in the numbers that the scale produces.  but I learned a much more valuable lesson this week already.  My week started out great and I got 3 really solid workouts in.  I was feeling good, noticing improvement, and genuinely geared towards a big number week I commonly refer to in these posts.  But on Thursday I got a call from my wife, she was in the ER due to a health concern and immediate incident.  We spent two full days in the hospital, and when we left while both of us exhausted, all had worked out so very fortunately for her and I could not have been more happy for both outcome and prognosis.

During her stay, I typically didn't leave the room, and if so, not for more than 5 minutes so that I could be present for her, to hear doctors if they stopped by, and to hear test results if they came in.  I took a couple of the meal replacement bars with me and always filled my water bottle at the beginning of the day.  But with really long hours in the room and with the general anxiety and uncertainty of doctor visits to her, I did not eat, nor did I drink nearly any amount of the recommended levels, almost certainly putting the body in starvation mode.  And YES, when I grabbed, I typically opted for something easy and quick when I did not have bars near me.  Nothing catastrophic in the larger scheme of things, but certainly enough to throw my body off of the routine it has been in for so long.

I'm not minimizing the opportunity to lose each and every week, as I have enjoyed it immensely.  BUT, in this case I clearly realize the difference between a minor bump in the road, and the things I have control over.  I thank God my wife is healthy, happy, and returned home almost a close to form as she left it.  i know regardless of what the numbers say, I had a great week.  I know this because she is doing so well and because I realize this journey is not one that a week of uncontrollable circumstances will keep me from achieving my ultimate goal, regardless of some numbers on a scale. 

I'll post tomorrow morning when I know the particulars, but trust in the fact I will never be so at ease with whatever they may be this time!  I'm staying strong an pushing on!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


February 7, 2012: Day 92; 1:54PM:  Numbers first, then experiences and observations.  I lost 2.4 pounds this week bringing me to an even 45.0 pounds in 91 days and I sit currently at 230.0 pounds.

Now last week was anything but normal, as we had our first event, hours and routine were longer and tougher to keep, and workouts were consistent and productive.  But again I continue to be inspired by others sharing their experiences with me.

Three particular instances I want to reflect upon.  I find them both humorous because I seem to be in need of being hit over the head to realize things that apparently are right in front of me, and motivation to continue this journey with even more vigor and focus.  Allow me to explain.

During our event on Sunday, which was a great success and became a benchmark of expectation for us in preparing for June, I had the opportunity to see people do incredible things, enjoy the experience of being active and fit, and make the day one the whole family could participate in.  In doing so I had the opportunity to interact with friends, and make new ones, and promote our company to all and our community as a whole with pride in both us and our sponsors. 

The First example came as we were set to announce our winners in the different categories, I took to the podium at the Pro Football Hall of Fame to introduce myself, welcome the participants, and turn the program over to one of my bosses.  In doing so, as I introduced my self - I happened to scan down to two tables right in front of the podium, and two ladies had recognized me from some of the local publicity going around due to this journey and I actually overheard the one say to the other, "That's the Guy from the paper!"  I physically had to stop myself from chuckling because A.) I never anticipated such an overwhelming flood of support from so many who I have never had the opportunity to meet, and B.)  I have to admit as the physical changes have begun to take shape in a way that is more noticeable as of late, I cringe at the thought of recognizing my former physical stature.  Fat Camp  (Aultman Weight Loss Center) is truly amazing and I am and will be forever grateful for the very real "new lease on life" but boy am I excited to get some of the after pics up!  ;-)

Second, came just last night at Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center).  I met a wonderfully sweet lady who has just begun the program.  She was very nervous and it was her first experience with weigh in and class.  She explained that her daughter has been in the program and she started due to the overwhelming success the daughter has had, losing 60 plus pounds! Being new, and not knowing me from Adam, she confided in me her anxiety and introduction to the shakes, and asked questions of me and how I felt about my experiences with the program, products, trials, tribulations, etc.  I was very excited to encourage someone through the different emotional as well as physical adjustments that I made and did my best to quell her anxiety.  The humor came when she asked if I noticed a difference in my physical appearance.  I pulled up a picture from my phone taken a month before I joined the program.  As she reviewed it and looked back at my current self,..she grew more and more impressed, (No That's not the funny part).  She then said (here it comes) "Wow, you're handsome either way (feel free to belly laugh here), but that is a striking difference."  Chuckling out loud I thanked her for the compliment and said "No need to lie Ma'am, I'm comfortable with my short comings at this point."  She sincerely met it, but I still find those remarks a bit far fetched with the lights on.

Finally, also at fat camp last night the head dietitian had me for the consultation part of the  evening immediately following weigh in.  Maleda (Please excuse the spelling as I'm not entirely sure of it's accuracy) after asking questions she had similarly touched on recently mentioned that she'd really prefer I attend the actual class portion more.  She feels it would be more beneficial to not only my overall progress, but also to the blog, and give me a more substantial depth to experience on all levels.  She was right for two reasons.  One, I found some fairly useful hints I took away from the otherwise familiar information presented in class.  To continue to  have an opportunity at big numbers the further along we are into the program, we have to continue to increase water consumption.  While I have been fairly consistent with consuming between 120-150 ounces of water each day, I have not in the better part of a month attempted to increase my consumption.  Huh, imagine that, regular attendance improves results.  I certainly wish my college professors had been a little more adamant, I might have learned more than keg stands, how many shots I could do when mixing beer, and spent less time developing my "Fun Bobby" alternate personality.  ;-)  Second, it gave me the opportunity to meet the wonderful lady mentioned above which continues to motivate me to new heights in progress.  The conspicuous aspect of the request was that when I said yes I would be happy to do so and firm up the lose ends, Maleda kept revisiting the issue as if I had not originally conceded.  HA!  I am wondering if she didn't have a conversation with my wife or mother and was warned I would be a difficult sell?!?!?!?  Rest assured Maleda, I'm in with both feet!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"I was running!"-Forest Gump

Wednesday February 1, 2012; Day 86; 8:14 a.m.: As I continue through this winding road of weight loss, self discovery, and the ahh-hah moments (albeit the ahh-hah's seem to be more obvious than I would have previously given credence to), I am finding out how little I know about health. wellness, weight loss, even my self.

For those keeping track of the numbers (and admittedly I am fairly attached to them as well) as of day 84 when I weighed in at fat camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) at 232.4 pounds for a week's loss of 2.6, and I sit at a total loss to date of 42.6 pounds, losing just about a pound every two days on average (at least that is what the dietitian with a calculator and far better grasp of mathematics than me says).

I must admit lately even as self effacing as I typically am, I have allowed myself a modest celebration or two with recent discoveries.  Two in particular. My clothing (hold the punchlines, as they are coming), and my ability to do things I haven't been able to until now.

Last Saturday I went for an early workout at the Y and to have my car serviced before picking my wife up at home to take her to brunch.  After that, we drove over to a mall and looked around as we are both starting to notice the need for new clothes, as the ones we own are quickly becoming too big to wear.  As we browsed clearance racks and sale aisles, I found myself buying a pair of jeans in a size I have not owned since my senior year of college in the fall of 1998 (insert age joke here).  I purchased a size 36 pair of jeans. I started my journey in a size 42.  My wife shopped in a store that is typically geared toward teens for a sun dress as she had a gift card and purchased a size she has not fit into since high school. While she looks absolutely amazing and I am so very proud of and motivated by her, I am told it's not polite to discuss specifics of women's measurements or age, so I won't mention either even if personal bests for a 31 year old,..- oops, we ll measurements are out.  ;-)  The next day we went through my wardrobe, tried things on, and ended up filling 5 - 50 gallon trash bags to donate.  I have to say while I shiver at the cost to replenish them, I am thrilled some of them are gone!

The second discovery, and reason for the title above, came just last night.  Let me digress so the discovery has context.  I have been running on the treadmill for a couple of months now, but know it is completely different to run outside, with changing topography, air temperatures, and surfaces.  I average 35 minutes or so on the treadmill at a decent pace, but was a little nervous to see how it would translate to actual running.  Last night due to the un-seasonally warm January temperatures, my wife and I decided to go for a run around a tow path close to our home.  We started and the only thought in my head was "I wonder how soon I'll have to stop."  While not exactly the proper mind set, history had told me that at most I was only ever able to run a quarter of a mile.  Adding to that was the fact I had swum for a morning workout already.  As we headed out on the path we jogged together.  As we hit the 1/4 mile marker on the trail, I noticed I was not yet fatigued enough to stop.  So I tuned out my own thoughts as I tuned into the music on my play list and continued on.  A while later, and in the middle of some Eminem from the "Recovery" album (yes I like hip hop - don't judge me lol) it dawned on me, I hadn't stopped running.  Not too long after my wife slowed to a cool down walk, so I took my cue to do the same.  She looked at her pedometer, and declared "3 miles plus."  I have to admit actually physically and consciously had to remind myself to not show too much pride.  So with the bravado of a "real man" I simply retorted "yeah,...nice easy workout to end the day."  Who am I kidding?!?!?!  That was clearly a personal best by a long shot and I NEVER would have thought it possible at this stage!  Clearly she saw right through the attempt to brush it off and countered with "Umm, you couldn't even make it half way around that track (we finished our run on the local university track) 5 months ago."  And I have officially been put right back into check like only a loving wife can do. HA! 

She is right.  I have to be able to celebrate my successes just like I own my failures and short comings.  With that I look forward to our next run together as we are planning to run a couple 5K's this summer and if I get really cocky, maybe even try a 10K together by the end of the season.  Who knows?  Really who cares!?!? We have something else we can do together, be healthy, and enjoy as a couple we have not had to this point.  Life is getting better by the moment because fat camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) has taught me that it IS possible if I A.) Fully commit myself to the process, B.) Keep an open mind to the possibilities and C.) Develop the proper perspective to keep the big picture and long term goal of health and wellness at the forefront of my mind and motivations as I make my way through this journey.