Monday, March 19, 2012

Back to Basics Produces Big Result!

Monday March 19, 2012: DAY 133; 4:16PM:  Well as I mentioned last week one bad decision cost me to gain 1 full pound.  Well seven days worth of very good decisions and sticking to the protocol that Fat Camp (Aultman Weight Loss Center) has set for me to follow and I produced and eerily symmetrical number.  This week I had a weight loss of 7.4 pounds!!!  I have now lost a total of 59.4 pounds in 133 days, for an average of 3.1 pounds per week, and I sit at 215.6, 10.4 pounds form my goal weight.

Needless to say I came out of fat camp with a much different attitude this week than I did last.  But I think it's important for me to focus on the why more than the what right now.  The number is AMAZING!!!  But let me not forget to remind everyone that the number I saw on the scale last week was due, in part, to the water retention I experienced as a result of consuming a high fat, high sodium meal.  In other words, this result is really a reflection of the two week period minus the bad decision with the Saturday night pig out at a greasy spoon and paying the price for being too bull headed to accept that change is an every day thing and constant struggle to stay the course, not a once in a while "when I feel like it" action.

Before I go any further to explain what I have learned and why I really feel for the first time ever, my goal weight is not only achievable, but able to be maintained, I need to apologize.  To Angie, my little blond dietitian friend, I AM SO GREATLY SORRY for my reaction today to my great result.  For all who were fortunate not to be present let me explain.  When the "wheel of fortune" spun to its final resting place on 215.6 pounds, I raised my arms in triumph.  While on the surface - harmless enough, I had a shirt on that I always weigh in with, but I typically don't raise my arms to the point that I expose a still scary sight, my stomach.  I've always said I look best with the lights out, pretty sure I just proved that to yet another unfortunate soul.  My bad Ang.

Sorry for the digression but I got back to doing what I have been taught to.  First, I weighed and measured every ounce of nourishment that I put into my body to the decimal.  Second I took their advice (Aultman Wieght Loss Center dietitians) and cut work outs back to four, 60 minute efforts, as opposed to the over 10 hours I was putting in on a limited calorie intake.  These did two things.  They allowed my body to burn consistently, and at a high rate.  Plus it did not allow my body to shut down the burn to store that calories as a survival reaction because to it not getting enough nourishment to burn. Finally I kept my water intake at an average of 200 ounces which allowed me to stay hydrated and allowed the body to consistently flush the unneeded nutrients from the body (hope this part wasn't too graphic).

As I get ready to sign off let me leave you all with one more horrifying visual, me on the honeymoon, on the pool deck, strutting this "not such a beach body" around like Snooky at a dance club at night without a mirror to have gotten ready in front of.  Oh well, it's only the other guests that will suffer.

 Stay tuned I'll blog from the honeymoon to let you know what I have done wrong or right, and what I weigh in at unofficially on the scale we will be bringing from home.

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